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1. Introduction

Thank you for visiting the website of Commercial Radio & Audio Limited, located at (Website), a website owned and operated by Commercial Radio & Audio Ltd ACN 059 731 467 (referred to below as "CRA", "we"  "us" or “our”). This website is created for the use, education and benefit of our members and industry participants.

By accessing and using the Website, you agree to the Terms and Conditions, which may be amended at our sole discretion without notice. Amendments take effect immediately upon update and include any additional instructions on the Website.

2. Information on the Website is not legal or professional advice

The information on the Website is not intended, and should not be taken, to be legal or professional advice. We endeavour to take care in producing or compiling this information, however we do not guarantee that it is accurate, current, comprehensive or free from errors or omissions. You should seek your own legal or professional advice before acting upon or relying on any of the information on the Website

3. Intellectual property rights

CRA reserves all copyright and proprietary rights in the content and design of this Website.  This includes but is not limited to all logos, graphics, audio or audio-visual material included on the Website.

You may view, download or print this material for personal non-commercial or internal corporate use. You may otherwise not reproduce, adapt, store, transmit, print, display, publish or create derivative works from any part of the content or design of this Website except with CRA’s prior written consent or as permitted by applicable copyright legislation.  

The Website and the material on the Website (including any logos, graphics, audio or audio-visual material) is protected by Australian and international copyright and trademark laws. Unless otherwise indicated, this material is the property of CRA.

In using the Website, you must not do anything that interferes with or breaches those laws or the proprietary rights of CRA or any other third party in the Website and the material on the Website.

4. How you may use the Website

Subject to clause 3 above, you may use the Website’s content for personal, internal corporate or commercial purposes provided that such use does not breach CRA’s copyright, proprietary rights or other intellectual property rights. You must not remove any copyright or trademark notices attached to such materials or, in any other way, modify that material from the way it appears on the Website.

Other than as permitted by CRA, and subject to the “fair dealing” exceptions in the Copyright Act 1968, you may not reproduce, publish, distribute, adapt, store, transmit or communicate to any third parties, the whole or any part of the Website or the material on the Website.

All rights not expressly granted to you under these terms are reserved by CRA.

5. Restrictions on use

You agree that you will not:

  1. send any material that could be considered harmful, obscene, indecent, lewd, or otherwise objectionable;
  2. falsely misrepresent your identity or affiliation in any way; or
  3. use any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction methods from this Website.
6. Cookies

This Website uses ‘cookie’ technology to assist in identifying registered users and delivering contents specific to your interests. Cookies are pieces of information stored on an individual’s computer and are used for customising site information to improve user experience and for tracking user navigation. If you do not wish for your information to be gathered on a cookie you should disable the acceptance of cookies by your web browser. Your internet service provider may be able to assist you with this.

7. Collection and Use of Information

CRA will collect, use, disclose and handle your personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

8. Additional Disclaimers

  1. CRA has not made and does not make any express or implied warranty with respect to the contents of the Website and these Terms and Conditions
  2. CRA excludes all liability for any indirect or consequential expense, loss, damage or costs, loss of profit, lost revenue, business interruption and loss of data incurred or suffered by or awarded against you under or in any way connected with the contents of this Website and these Terms and Conditions.
  3. The content of this Website may contain inaccuracies or incomplete or out of date information that CRA is not currently aware of. CRA does not warrant that all information contained on this Website is accurate, complete or current. CRA maintains that it is your personal responsibility to verify any information that is contained on this Website. CRA will not be liable for any errors or omissions which may be contained in this Website.
  4. CRA does not guarantee that this Website will be free from viruses and accepts no responsibility for any harmful computer code that may be introduced to your personal system through the use of this Website. CRA does not guarantee that access to this Website will be uninterrupted and accepts no responsibility for any interruption. You acknowledge and accept that your access to this Website may be terminated at any time without notice.
  5. Any links to an external site that may be included in this Website should not be construed as an endorsement. CRA is not responsible and cannot be held liable for any external sites which may be mentioned on this Website. CRA makes no representation about the accuracy of any information that is contained on any other websites and reiterates that any loss, damage, cost or expense that you incur in accessing another site will be your responsibility alone. CRA discloses that there are risks in using any information, software or products that are found on the internet.
9. Governing law

These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of New South Wales, Australia, By using this Website, you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales.

Last updated: January 2025.