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Ritson on Radio


Investing just 11% on radio can double your campaign's effectiveness.

INVEST 11% on Radio to double campaign effectiveness 

Investing just 11% of your campaign budget in radio can double its overall effectiveness, a ground-breaking Australian study has revealed.

Professor Mark Ritson, widely acknowledged as one of the world’s leading marketing educators and consultants, collaborated with CRA to better understand the impact of how changes in radio spend can directly influence an ad campaign’s effectiveness.


Marketers should consider radio as an integral part of the channel mix

“Radio has been underrated in maximising the overall impact of your marketing,” Prof. Ritson said. “For the best bang-for-buck, marketers should consider radio as an integral part of the channel mix – and an 11% investment can double your campaign’s impact.” “Radio drives a disproportionately large impact for a relatively modest investment of just 11%.” he said.

The study also found that campaigns incorporating radio exhibited substantial effects on the brand, leading to larger increases in mental availability and, consequently, stronger business results.

The study's findings align with global studies drawing on the IPA/Effie's database compiled by media measurement experts Peter Field and Les Binet, further emphasising the international significance of radio's impact on advertising effectiveness.



About the study.

  • Source: ACA Effectiveness database 2018-2023. Avg # of business effects for campaigns with positive eSOV vs all ACA campaigns.
  • The study analysed the Advertising Council of Australia’s (ACA) Effectiveness Database. It includes all 470 Effie Award entries since 2018, which are recognised as the pinnacle of advertising excellence.
  • ESOV gauges advertising intensity relative to business size, where positive ESOV proves achievable for businesses of any size. Smaller brands, rather than outspending larger competitors, need to invest at a level slightly exceeding their size. The calculation is straightforward: ESOV equals Share of Voice minus Share of Market.